Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Nobody expects the unexpected invocation

unexpected invocation: someObject.someMethod()
no expectations sepecified: did you...
- forget to start an expectation with a cardinality clause?
- call a mocked method to specify the parameter of an expectation?
what happened before this: nothing!

This one always gets me. I don't know why as I've worked with jMock long enough now to know how to type it out, but this is invariably the problem:
context.checking(new Expectations() {{
oneOf(mockObject.mockMethod()); will(returnValue(expValue));

Maybe it's years using EasyMock, but I nearly always place my brackets wrong and forget to close the cardinality clause, so the above becomes:
context.checking(new Expectations() {{
oneOf(mockObject).mockMethod(); will(returnValue(expValue));

Remember - oneOf(object), not oneOf(object.method). D'oh.